Every day these partners are dedicated to highlighting the importance of your profession and validating your skills. Together, they form a trusted local network you can rely on to successfully achieve your professional goals!
Awarded by the professional branch for individual employers and domestic work, the IPERIA certification is a true mark of quality for employees. It provides support and resources to training providers committed to our sector, ensuring you receive the best possible professionalization opportunities.
Enter a location to find accredited training providers within 100 km of your home, or use the interactive map :
À Malestroit (56), 24 & 25 février (2 jours) 👨🚒 Maitrisez les gestes qui sauvent. Une formation essentielle pour garantir la sécurité ...
À Questembert (56), 3, 4 & 5 février (3 jours) 🧩 Explorez des outils et techniques variés pour éveiller les enfants par le jeu.