Since every individual is unique, each career path is equally distinct.
To build a career path aligned with your vision and pace, it's important to be supported by sector-specific career guidance and development consultants (COEPS). These experts have in-depth knowledge of available professions, their specificities, existing training and certification programs, and the procedures and systems to access them, helping you plan for steady and progressive skill improvement.
Tailored guidance provided by COEPS is customized to meet the needs of each individual. It is conducted in several steps:
Everyone enters the sector with their own background: education, personal experiences, or professional history. It’s essential to take all of these aspects into account. This is the purpose of the professional self-assessment tool designed and provided by IPERIA.
Throughout this questionnaire, our approach is to put you at the center of your journey, recognizing you as the main driver of your career path. There are no right or wrong answers, only objective responses that help identify your skills and areas for development.
This is indeed the role of a sector-specific career guidance and development consultant: to analyze and contextualize your self-assessment results in light of your profession or career aspirations.
This is an essential prerequisite before designing a tailored and customized professional development plan.
This skills assessment can cover several aspects depending on the candidate’s profile:
Tout savoir sur l’alimentation des personnes dépendantes : risques spécifiques, besoins nutritionnels, signes de dénutrition et pistes pratiques.
Pour entretenir le domicile de votre particulier employeur, les produits ménagers naturels peuvent être intéressants. Voici des recettes simples.